10 visual Studio Code Extensions for Software developers in 2023

10 visual Studio Code Extensions for Software developers in 2023

Visual Studio Code is a source code editor for building present day web applications. it is a free and open-source editor. It supports a number of extensions that can be used for web utility improvement. in this article , we're going to speak about 15 of those extensions that are utilized in developing an internet application :

1) Live Sass compiler

2) Debugger for Chrome

3) C#

4) Live Server

5) ES Lint

6) Beautify

7) Better Comments

8) Quokka

9) Polacode

10) Path Intellisense

11) Browser Preview

12) JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets

13) Settings Sync

14) Git Lens

15) Web Dev

Let's discuss them!

1) Live Sass compiler :

Comparatively speaking to other compilers like Visual Studio extensions, this VS Code extension is used to efficiently compile SCSS files to CSS files. This is useful for web designers when creating websites using SCSS files. In-depth information about this is available at the following link.

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2) Debugger for Chrome :

This add-on is used to debug JavaScript code on webpages created in the Visual Studio Code environment using the Google Chrome browser. For debugging JavaScript code, this addon is a lot more practical than the Chrome console. Install the extension first, and then configure the launch.json parameters for debugging the specific webpage you wish to look into. The following marketplace link contains comprehensive information about the extension.

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3) C

Using the Visual Studio Code editor, this plugin is used to create web apps in C#. You can utilise C# code development with this plugin and access capabilities like Go to Definition, Find All Reference, IntelliSense, etc. that were previously only accessible in source editors like Visual Studio. The following link contains all the information you need to know about this extension.

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4) Live Server

With the help of this plugin, a local development server may be started with a live page reload feature for both static and dynamic pages. Simply making the changes in Visual Studio code and saving the file eliminates the need to preview the changes made to your source code. Instead of us manually refreshing the browser page, this will automatically reload it to reflect the changes you have made. The following link has full information about this extension.

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5) ESLint

This plugin is used to inspect your JavaScript code and correct any problems. To correct the issues identified, install and edit your JS code. The following website has comprehensive instructions about how to install and use ESLint.

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6) Beautify

Files with this extension can be formatted to seem like HTML. This extension transforms the unformatted code in these files into formatted, readable code. Setting this option in the VS Code settings will cause all of the code you have typed in the editor to be formatted automatically. The following link will take you to further information about this extension.

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7) Better Comments

To make the code easier to read and comprehend, this extension is used to differentiate between distinct comment types, such as warnings, errors, highlights, and questions. The following link contains all the information you need to know about this extension.

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8) Web Dev

This extension combines a number of other extensions needed for web development. Some of the more important extensions are included in this one, including Live Server, ESLint, and JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets. We can install Web Dev extension instead of installing these extensions one at a time. The following website contains further information about this extension.

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9) GitLens

Using this extension, you can retrieve data from a Git source that can be changed in the Visual Studio environment. This also saves time because the Git repository files' commit logs, file histories, and other information can be examined inside the VS code itself.

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10) Settings Sync

Instead of having to configure your settings every time, you may use this extension to save your settings in the editor and then restore them on a different computer. Setting up a unique development environment in the editors may be aided by this. With the help of this plugin, we may publish the settings to a GitHub address and subsequently retrieve them to give the editors on a different system. The following site has comprehensive information about the extension.

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